We like to use modal window (popup window), popular as light box to show content in our websites or blogs. It is easier to show the images in gallery, videos, small notifications in popup windows. But we have to think about the responsiveness of this type of popup/modal windows. Are they really be shown properly in mobile devices as we visit websites in mobile devices more nowadays.
We are very much familiar to Lightbox, Fancybox but now time to think about some more flexible. The option is:
You can use this VenoBox jQuery plugin for images, inline contents, iFrames, Google-Maps, Ajax requests, Vimeo and YouTube videos.
What is the difference from other jQuery modal window is stated by VenoBox team as:
“The big difference compared to many others modal-window plugins is that VenoBox calculates the max width of the image displayed and preserves its height if is taller than the window (so in small devices you can scroll down the content, avoiding vertical microscopic resized images).”
You just need to download the VenoBox script from their official website http://lab.veno.it/venobox/ by clicking the Download button. They use social payment (virtual payment done by facebook like-share, tweet, linkedin share, google+ share). It’s FREE and you just need to social sharing before download the original script. While sharing in social media you need to edit the sharing message otherwise social sharing website will not allow to share VenoBox. As soon you share, you will be able to download the script.
Usage: Visit the official website and you will get proper documentation of this plugin on the front page. Very simple to use.
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