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Covert all date data format from VARCHAR to DATE in any MySQL table

 Converting varchar data to date format in MySQL involves several steps. Here's a method to achieve this:

Assuming your varchar date column is named date_column and your table is named your_table, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a New Date Column: First, add a new date column to your table.
    ALTER TABLE your_table ADD new_date_column DATE;
  2. Update New Date Column: Update the newly added date column using the STR_TO_DATE function to convert the varchar dates to date format.
    UPDATE your_table
    SET new_date_column = STR_TO_DATE(date_column, 'your_date_format');

    Replace 'your_date_format' with the format of the varchar dates in your column. For example, if your dates are in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', use '%Y-%m-%d'.
  3.  Drop Old Date Column: If you're confident that the new date column contains the correct data, you can drop the old varchar date column.
    ALTER TABLE your_table DROP COLUMN date_column;
  4. Rename New Date Column: Finally, rename the new date column to the original column name.
    ALTER TABLE your_table CHANGE new_date_column date_column DATE;
Remember to take a backup of your data before making such changes to your database. Incorrectly manipulating your database structure can lead to data loss. If possible, it's recommended to keep dates in the appropriate date or datetime format rather than varchar to avoid these kinds of issues.

Also, be aware that converting varchar data to date format directly in the database can be resource-intensive, especially if you have a large amount of data. It's usually better to clean and format data before inserting it into the database in the correct format.


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